My life as a mommy :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011


i hate writing this. it's hard for me to admit but i know it's the first step to asking God for any forgiveness. i have been struggling with my faith alot here lately.
i know what you're thinking... how can anyone who is blessed enough to be pregnant with God's blessing be struggling with their faith but that's just it. I'm afraid that because I got pregnant out off wedlock then I'm forever a sinner in his eyes. I understand that what I done to get pregnant was the sin and that God would have not blessed me with a baby if that was the case of being "forever a sinner". I realize that now. I realize now after much praying and crying over this that God is a forgiving God. God is so wonderful that he still loves a sinner like me. I want nothing but the best for my child and I want them to grow up in a strong Christian family just like I have. That's why I'm glad, my struggle is over.

I know what I done was wrong but I sincerely meant it when I asked God for forgiveness and he always answers. I know he answered when I got on blogger that day and read two really powerful post on forgiveness. How amazing is my God for allowing those blogs to be posted when I needed it the most?
Why did I post this? To ask for prayers to keep strengthening my faith. To show that every Christian struggles at some point. We are not perfect, just forgiven. I know how wonderful my God is and I will forever praise him. I am so thankful for this baby he has blessed me and Justin with. This is how I know a God exist. Over the past few days, I honestly believe my faith has strengthened majorly because of the struggle I let the devil put me thru and that is no more. All I ask is that you please pray for me and the baby. Pray for strength for me and a healthily journey for the baby. Thank you for sticking thru this jumbled up mess if you made it this far. God Bless You :)


Becca said...

I hate that you are growing through such a rough time with this. I am glad that you do realize now that God is a forgiving God no matter what the situation is! EVER!! I will keep you in my prayers girl!

Natalie and Lee said...

Just getting caught up on your blog! Congratulations on your little miracle! GOD BLESS:)